Human Rights & Modern Slavery Policy


What are human rights?

Human rights are about promoting and protecting the values of respect, dignity and equality for every person, irrespective of race, location, sex, religion, political opinion, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status, age or any other characteristic.

Human Rights relevant to business

Businesses can impact human rights in different ways and some industries more so than others.

Labour Rights, Training, Remuneration, Working Conditions, Confidentiality, Occupational Health and Safety, Codes of Conduct or Ethical Behaviour, and Modern Slavery are all areas in which business, if lacking adequate systems and commitment, can contribute to a breach of Human Rights. 


Staff Australia is committed to understanding and respecting human rights. ‘Making People our Business’ is our philosophy. People ARE our business. We have made it our business to ensure we have the resources necessary to protect the human rights of our people and that which our operations and services may have an impact on.

Our objectives are in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the 3-pillar framework to protect, respect and remedy human rights abuse in business.

Dark green, Green and yellow bubbles with the text Protect Respect and Remedy

We aim to inform, educate, and consult to allow us to implement measures to protect human rights. We expect our people to respect and adhere to the measures implemented by us and we commit to providing access to assistance and support in the event of a human rights breach.

Key Focus Areas

The following lists several key focus areas where Staff Australia continues to review and implement measures in support of our aim to protect and respect Human Rights in our business:

Work Rights

  • Ensuring that all employees are permitted by law to work in Australia
  • Ensuring all employees including migrant employees are educated in their work rights as set out by Fair Work Australia
  • Ensuring all employees are remunerated in accordance with the relevant Industrial Award or Agreement in which we are bound by law
  • Ensuring the requirements for working hours and over time are reasonable and within limits set by Industrial Awards and Agreements or the National Employment Standards
  • Ensuring all employees who are under the age of 18 years old are employed in accordance with relevant National or State based Child Employment legislation
  • Ensuring Freedom of Association – to form/join employee unions or groups
  • Ensuring adequate and fair dispute resolution processes are implemented and practiced
  • Ensuring workplace diversity and inclusion

Health and Wellbeing

  • Providing a workplace that is free from discrimination, bullying and harassment
  • Promoting workplace equality and ethical behaviour
  • Providing a workplace that is free from risks to health and safety
  • Promoting employee engagement and mental health support

Information Privacy & Protection

  • Ensuring transparency in relation to the disclosure and use of personal and/or sensitive information
  • Ensuring adherence with the Australian Privacy Principles
  • Ensuring we adopt measures to protect personal and/or sensitive information

Modern Slavery

Modern slavery describes situations where offenders use coercion, threats, or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom.

Practices that constitute modern slavery can include:

  • human trafficking
  • slavery
  • servitude
  • forced labour
  • debt bondage
  • forced marriage, and
  • the worst forms of child labour

Staff Australia recognises its responsibility in identifying and assessing the risk of these types of practices and is committed to combat the existence of Modern Slavery in our operations or that of our supply chains.


Due Diligence

As part of our ongoing responsibility to ensure Human Rights are protected, respected, and remedied, we are continually identifying and assessing areas of the business where Human Rights can be impacted. This is incorporated into the risk management process in our key focus areas and our systems are continually measured against our objectives.  

We will also assess the risk associated with our clients and suppliers to combat any form of Human Rights or Modern Slavery risk by implementing screening and risk management processes prior to and during any business undertakings with them.


Dispute Resolution

Any Human Rights issue raised or identified will be taken through our dispute resolution process and handled confidentially and professionally ensuring adequate support, fairness, and timely outcomes. 

Referenced Documents/Resources

Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018

United Nations – Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2011

Fair Work  –